
watercolor painting of green nature spirit hugging a human
Acrylic gouache painting of close up look at an orange cat with its tongue sticking out
Baroque black frame of a painting of a green monster creature who appears to be climbing out of the mat

Watercolor and Gouache

I love the exploration of color, the unpredictability of just how watercolors will blend and the effect contrasting hues can have. I am often inspired by flora, fauna, and the spiritual. Each piece is made with a sense of wonder and play.

Wheel thrown vase in off white color with black crow design painted on.
Hand made ceramic cat with a ball. Off White in color with dark blue waves design painted on.
Hand built angler fish figure that features exaggerated large teeth, a dangling lantern light, and a small fishy inside it's gaping mouth


I began my journey into ceramics in 2024. It challenges me in a very different way and provides an alternate outlet for creativity when I am feeling blocked. There is a satisfaction to building something three dimensional with my hands.

Live Painting Demos

I often bring my travel palette with me as a way to pass time or to demonstrate painting at events. I enjoy doing small pieces as a way to engage with attendees and hopefully spark creativity for someone else.

A pile of various vinyl stickers featuring my artwork


Appealing to the kid in all of us - I find that translating my art to stickers is a fun and affordable way for everyone to take a little art with them. In these designs you'll see a lot of inspiration from Japanese and pop culture influences.